18 March 2007


Just a little plug for something that could possibly grow into a useful tool for roleplayers (and potentially other gamer-types, too) should enough people sign up.

Nearby Gamers is a free online resource that sorts people by interests and location. Right now it seems to be in an embryonic stage but should more people start using it it might just reach critical (useful) mass. OK, so their map feed couldn't get my pin in the right part of Oxford, but it's close enough, although I'm the only one there so far...


Pete said...

There might be a reason you're the only one there ...

If I try to say I'm in 'Oxford, UK' or any sub-location, I'm told off for trying to "cover" an existing marker.

So I'm pretending to be in Wheatley. I've emailed the site owner person so perhaps he'll get it fixed.

Unknown said...

Hmm; might have something to do with it, but then again I'd only just signed up when I posted the plug.

I suspect its mostly down to it being new. Hopefully glitches will iron out and enough folk will sign up to make it a useful resource :)

Anonymous said...

There were a few in Australia. :) We will probably recruit people to our group. Might check in on that first as there were at least one in Adelaide (city). There's actually quiet a few gaming shops here, but I guess it's just 'cause I'm used to the crappy Swedish small towns with maybe a comic shop which occasionally have gaming material.

Now just to find a good percentile dice set...

...anyway Game on! and I'll better register on the site ;) Internet will always help connect people.